律师杰夫·库林斯基和维姆·J. Kottukapally


为客户提供效率, 自1983年以来,在大大小小的法律事务方面具有丰富的经验和效率.

律师杰夫·库林斯基和维姆·J. Kottukapally
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当长期疾病或衰老的影响来袭时, patients, 家庭成员必须经常做出艰难的决定. 一项法律于1月1日生效, 2001, 这为人们做出生活质量的决定提供了一条清晰的道路. The law provides for an orange “Do Not Resuscitate Order” bearing the seal of the Illinois Department of Public Health.

这条法律的结果, a completed form is required in the event emergency medical personnel are called to treat anyone whose long-term prognosis is poor. In the past, a doctor’s order on a prescription pad or letterhead was acceptable in such cases. The law requires completion of the form in addition to any last directives such as a living will or a power-of-attorney for health care.

该表格需要病人和医生的姓名和签名, 加上名字, 两名证人的签名及地址. 如果患者缺乏决策能力, the form may be completed by someone holding a power-of-attorney for health care. 表格可以从医院、医生和大多数消防部门获得.


By a simple procedure a lawyer can change a client’s interest in real estate into an interest in personal property. 这个设备, 叫做土地信托, 允许更大的灵活性转移, owning, and passing property on without giving up any of the rights and conveniences of property ownership. 遗产规划也有优势.

A Land Trust allows the owners to pass property from one generation to the next without going through probate. This cuts the cost of dying and the possibility of litigation since the property does not pass by a Will that can be contested. For estate planning purposes a Land Trust has tremendous advantage over any other form of real estate ownership.
一个人可以在决定购买的同时为许多所有者提供服务, selling, and other uses of the property all in the person chosen through a Trust Agreement. 联权共有通常不能实现期望的继承顺序, 但在土地信托中,安排的可能性几乎是无限的.

产权公司的信托部, you as Trustee or a bank holds legal title to the property while the owner holds the beneficial interest or the right to enjoyment based upon written instructions given to the Trustee. 财产的所有权可以保密. The ownership as shown at the Recorder’s office is a bank, trust company, or you as Trustee. The Trustee will not reveal the beneficial owners unless subpoenaed or court ordered. If for some reason one doesn’t want title information to be a matter of public record, 土地信托可以满足你的需要.

如果你有兴趣将你的财产转入土地信托, 更多信息请咨询本办公室.

自从9月11日恐怖分子袭击世贸中心以来, 许多人, young married couples and seniors are thinking that it is necessary to do estate planning. 虽然遗嘱是一个重要而有用的遗产规划工具, it will not prevent your estate from going through probate court proceedings. 遗产规划工具, 谁能在你死后把你的财产交给你的继承人, 没有遗嘱认证, 是活信托吗?.

A revocable living trust allows a person to transfer ownership of his or her assets to another entity the trust. 生前信托是一种理想的资产管理方式, 让他们待在一个安全的地方. Your assets always remain totally within your control as long as you are capable of making your own decisions. The best possible scenario is to have a fully funded trust with a “pour-over” will as a backup, which essentially “pours-over” to the trust any assets that you may have forgotten to put into the trust.

The most important step you can take right now is to get your affairs in order. 认为不会出什么事是不明智的, 所以你可以等几年再做遗产规划决定. 在这个不确定的时代,情况并非如此. 遗产规划会帮助你的配偶, other family members and friends feel confident that your estate will be managed as you desire. 请咨询泛亚电竞英雄联盟竞猜,帮助您规划遗产.



  • 如果我只有很少的财产,我不需要立遗嘱.
  • 如果我立了遗嘱,我的遗产就不需要做遗嘱认证了.

If you answered “false” to both statements, you are on your way to planning your estate. 遗嘱是一项重要而有用的遗产规划工具, but it will not prevent your estate from going through probate court proceedings. 遗产规划工具, 谁能在你死后把你的财产交给你的继承人, 没有遗嘱认证, 是活信托吗?.

A revocable living trust allows a person to transfer ownership of his or her assets to another entity the trust. 生前信托是一种理想的资产管理方式, 让他们待在一个安全的地方. Your assets always remain totally within your control as long as you are capable of making your own decisions. The best possible scenario is to have a fully funded trust with a “pour-over” will as a backup, which essentially “pours over” to the trust any assets not specifically covered by it after your death.

你能采取的最重要的一步是现在就把你的事务安排妥当. This will help your spouse and other family members and friends feel confident that your estate will be managed as you desire. 请咨询泛亚电竞英雄联盟竞猜,帮助您规划遗产.


许多雇员通过受雇获得人寿保险. 以确保您的团体人寿保险不需要缴纳遗产税, all of your ownership rights in the policy must be assigned to your chosen beneficiary as soon as possible, 前提是转让在州法律和政策下是允许的. An assignment form can be obtained from your employer or the insurance company. 分配必须转移您在组策略中的所有权限, 包括选择受益人的权利. Life insurance proceeds will not be includable in your estate if (1) you have given up all rights of ownership in the policy at least three years before your death, (2)所得款项不应支付给你的遗产管理人.

The assignment form should be sent to the insurance company for its endorsement. 保险凭证应交给新业主妥善保管. If an assignment form is not available, one can be prepared by your attorneys.


像大多数人一样, it has probably been awhile since you last updated the beneficiary designations on your IRAs and employer-sponsored retirement plan. 不管你遗嘱里写了什么, these assets will pass directly to your assigned beneficiary in the event of your death. 因此,在新的一年开始之际,快速回顾一下是非常值得你花时间的.

A number of life-changing events could require a change in beneficiary such as the birth of a child, marriage, 离婚, 或者是家庭的融合. If you have neglected to name a beneficiary at all or if your beneficiary passes away before you do, the institution that manages your account may liquidate the assets and add them to your estate, 这会导致潜在的遗产税和所得税. 因此,为增加保护而指定一个次要受益人是值得的.

由于最近税法的变化, 你可以将你的IRA账户设置为多代或“扩展IRA”。, resulting in extending the asset’s tax-deferred status into the next generation. 当你离去, 您的子女或孙辈作为受益人, receives distributions from the account in increments over the course of his or her lifetime.


The Illinois Supreme Court has ruled that the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services can’t seek reimbursement for long-term care from a surviving spouse’s estate. This ruling means that married couples should consider a revocable living trust as an attractive estate-planning tool to protect their assets such as a home, cars, 还有退休计划. (This ruling the court determined does not apply to the spouse receiving Medicaid).